Background changer

Description: This will allow the user to change the background color of your page
Instructions:  Place this script anywhere in the <BODY> tag
Functionality:  Works in both Netscape and IE


Description:  This will place the current time in the Status Window of your browser
Instructions:  Place this script in between the HEAD tags of your webpage
Functionality:  Works in both Netscape & IE


Description:  This will require the user to put in a password before they can enter your website
Instructions:  Place this script in between the HEAD tags of your webpage
Functionality:  Works in both Netscape & IE

New window

Description:  This will make a small Navigation Window in which you can place links to different pages
Instructions:  Place this script in the HEAD tags of your webpage
Functionality:  Works in both Netscape & IE

If you have any questions about this please contact me at
